I love adventures!

funny, growth, introduction, life, living large, love, Mondays, ramblings, soul cleansing, the pursuit of happiness

so happy Memirial Day-love to every man woman and teenager who pulled on thier combat boots and said “well if I die, I die but here I am.” I love you all. 

Yesterday we went out for a new adventure and went white water rafting! It was epic, and adorable, not the thrilling class 5 Rapids but more like a little jaunt down a river. 

Either way-it was a new adventure a new experience a memory made. 

A perfect success, I love new things-I love to know I’m capable and that I can survive it and come out the other end a better version of me.

So I challenge you: please enjoy the world we live in-have you been aching to visit a new place?! GO! But the ticket, everything else will fall in place!  

Oh and use coupons.

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